Faculty Experience at Dingle Global Education

Faculty Experience

Have you ever thought about taking your students for an enriching academic experience abroad, but didn’t know where to start?

Dingle Global Education (DGE) not only will help you start, but also will be with you at every step, handling all logistical details and providing daily support to students so your own time can be focused on teaching and taking in all that Dingle has to offer.

Find out more about Destination Dingle.

Play Video about Professor Steve Coulter: Univerty of California Santa Cruz
Play Video about Dr. Chris Dobbins Washington & Lee University

Our programs are entirely faculty-led, which means we work with you to create an educational experience that directly suits your needs.

Your course

You don’t want to run a class in Dingle you could run on your home campus. We’ll help you mesh your academic requirements with local resources to create a unique learning experience that includes local guest speakers and site visits. Your students will take in the subject matter from an entirely different point of view.

We understand there may be an internal process to get your course accredited at your home institution. DGE will assist you in this process.


Most of our programs are from 2 to 5 weeks long, but we can accommodate any program length.

DGE will handle all logistics associated with running a course in Dingle, including:

Cultural and entertainment activities
Group Dinners

While the majority of the program will be held in Dingle, there are opportunities to travel to other parts of Ireland as well. We typically plan for at least a two-night stay in Cork or Galway.

On-site support

We are not a hands-off company. We will be onsite with you and the students in Dingle every day of the program, both participating in and leading group events. We handle any issues that come up on the trip, including medical issues, with efficiency and speed. We are 100% here for the students and for you.


Faculty stay in a 3-4 bedroom cottages, usually in the same development where the students stay, such as the cottages at Gló na hAbhann Dingle or Dingle Harbour Cottages. You are free to have family or friends visit during your stay.

Glór na nAbhann
Dingle Harbour Cottages

If you need more information on the steps to develop a program in Dingle, see
Steps to establish program Dingle (PDF)
